Analyze DNA and protein samples at 260 nm or 280 nm in disposable plates! Proprietary resin has optical properties similar to quartz. Read down to 230 nm without buying or washing fragile, expensive quartz plates. RNase free, DNase free, non-pyrogenic, and free of DNA polymerase inhibitors.
Half Area microplates reduce sample and reagent volume by up to 50% while retaining a 96-well plate format. Half Area microplates are compatible with the same pipetting, dispensing, and reading devices you use for standard 96-well plates. The wells retain the standard 9 mm spacing, but are smaller in diameter to produce a total volume of just 199 µl. Plates feature a standardized pathlength where 1 cm equals 170 µl and 0.5 cm equals 80 µl.
Working volume: 15-175 µl.