产品名称 Live Amoeba proteus cultures
产品货号 WARD470180-124
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
Demonstrate amoeba structure, locomotion, and feeding behavior.

  • Demonstrate amoeba structure, locomotion, and feeding behavior
  • ReadySlides are prepared for you you and offer a convenient, ready-to-go option
  • Vital Stained cultures allow students to better visualize organism structures

Amoeba proteus is a great sarcodine for demonstrating amoebae structure. They use pseudopods for both locamotion and feeding. Amoeba feed on Chilomonas, or other small protozoa, which they phagocytize with their pseudopodia. Amoeba cultures are supplied in Amoeba Media with a rice grain and food (Chilomonas).

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials. Please specify a delivery date.
