产品名称 Overhead Flow Table
产品货号 1
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
Demonstrate Earth Science Concepts in the Classroom

Simulate over 100 real-world water, air, and magma events through your overhead projector or hands-on labs. This kit includes 16 different plates that allow you to demonstrate everything from cloud formation to volcanic eruptions. This self-contained unit takes the place of a ripple tank, sand table or wave tank—allowing you to easily illustrate difficult earth and physical science concepts on the overhead. It can also be used as a wind tunnel.

This versatile demonstration is easy to clean and store.

Kit may be used on a classroom table, with an overhead projector or with a digital document camera projection system.
Ordering Information: Kit includes unit (16 x 16 x 2") chambered tray, water pump, tubing, fittings, event plates, eyedropper and teacher's guide with instructions. Kit does not include projection system, food coloring or rheoscopic fluid.

Ordering information: Kit includes unit (16 x 16 x 2") chambered tray, water pump, tubing, fittings, event plates, eyedropper and teacher's guide with instructions. Kit does not include projection system, food coloring or rheoscopic fluid.
