产品名称 DECON-QUAT® Quaternary Ammonium Solution, Veltek Associates
产品货号 DQ200C-01
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
DECON-QUAT® 200C is a quaternary ammonium solution for use on hard non-porous environmental surfaces.

  • Effective as a broad spectrum hospital disinfectant, fungicide, deodorizer, hard surface disinfectant, non-food contact sanitizer effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria and viruses
  • Available as both sterile and non-sterile
  • Completely traceable and has been validated for sterility and shelf life

A phosphate-free formulation designed to provide effective cleaning, deodorizing and disinfection in areas where housekeeping is of prime importance in controlling the hazards of cross-contamination. This product is filled in ISO 5 (Grade A/B, former Class 100), filtered at 0.2 microns, and subsequently terminally sterilized to 10-6 sterility assurance level.
