产品名称 VWR® TraceClean® HDPE Straight Sided Containers, Natural
产品货号 QLPS15900291
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
These TraceClean® containers are used primarily for the collection of soils, clays, slurries, and sediment media for geotechnical testing, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), metals, total metals, inorganic analytes, and benthic organism studies.

  • HDPE construction
  • Straight-sided design
  • Suited to holding collections of geological materials

Not all analytical parameters are included on the Certificate of Analysis

Quality Assured® with VWR Logo Sample ID Label products, a lot certificate of analysis is generated with the analytical results obtained including the concentration reporting limits and units of measurement. This certificate of analysis is included in each product case.

Please refer to the Certificate of Analysis for certified analytes and corresponding reporting limits. Secondary uses include containment and archiving.

Certifications: QAL.

Ordering information: Container measurements and capacity "contain" volumes may vary.
