产品名称 PCX™ Cleanroom Tape, Polyethylene, Micronova
产品货号 PCX-2DB
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
Low density polyethylene tape, low in halogens and leachable chlorides.

  • Special construction lessens the chance of outgassing
  • Chemical resistance and good conformability

Tape can be used for color-coding, sealing, labeling and masking. It can be also used for various other tasks within the cleanroom that require pressure-sensitive qualities. Low-density polyethylene tape is low in halogens and leachable chlorides. Packaged in a cleanroom with special processing to ensure low extractable ions, down to parts per billion.

Ordering information: For additional colors and widths, contact your VWR sales representative.
