产品名称 Thermostatic Mixing Valves, Justrite®
产品货号 30521
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
These valves blend hot and cold supply water to deliver tepid water (85 °F/29 °C) to emergency equipment.

  • Redundant thermostatic elements (High-Capacity model) provide tepid water in the event of a thermostatic failure
  • Patented thermostatic element (Mid- and Low-Capacity models) provides comfortable water regardless of changes in incoming hot/cold water temperatures
  • Positive hot water shut-off eliminates the delivery of scalding water to equipment
  • Integral cold water bypass ensures reliable cold water delivery if hot water supply is interrupted
  • Valves can be installed into existing emergency shower applications, and are easily tested and repaired

With a range of 2 – 60 GPM at 30 psi (7.5 – 227 LPM at 2 BAR G), the High-Capacity valve is sufficient for multiple emergency showers and/or eyewash stations installed in the same supply line

With a range of 2 – 25 GPM at 30 psi (7.5 – 95 LPM at 2 BAR G), the Mid-Capacity valve is sufficient for a single eyewash or drench shower. It is best specified for systems requiring bypass rates of 7 – 22 GPM (26 – 83 LPM).

With a range of 2 – 7 GPM at 30 psi (7.5 – 26.5 LPM at 2 BAR G), the Low-Capacity valve is sufficient for a single eyewash. It is best specified for systems requiring bypass rates of 1 – 7 GPM (3.7 – 26.5 LPM).

It is best specified for systems requiring bypass rates of 14 – 45 GPM (53 – 170 LPM).

Certifications: Helps meet ANSI Z358.1-2014 and accurately controls outlet temperature in accordance with ASSE 1071 standards. ASSE 1071 approved and lead-free certified.

Delivery information: Ground shipment.
