产品名称 Motic B3-Series Upright Microscope, Motic Instruments
产品货号 1101000300802
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
The B3 Compound Microscope offers features required by more demanding microscope applications

The B3’s binocular head is inclined at 45° and can rotate 360° for comfortable viewing. The coaxial coarse and fine focus adjustments provide high precision (0.002mm) in focus adjustment. The focusable 1.25 N.A. Abbe condenser and Iris diaphragm with filter holder enable phase contrast and darkfield microscopy through the optional add-ons. Lighting is supplied through halogen illumination (12V/20W) with intensity control giving users full control over specimen illumination. Superb engineering and crystal clear optics ensure that the B3 will be a laboratory work-horse for years to come.

With built-in Koehler illumination and a standard Siedentopf head, the B3 is suitable for both educational and laboratory use. The standard achromatic super contrast (ASC) objectives provide superb image clarity and contrast. Upgrading to the optional plan achromatic objectives provides increased image flatness.

Ordering information: Microscope is supplied with all accessories listed above. Contact your VWR representative to learn more about this and other Motic solutions. All Motic products come with a one-year electrical and five-year mechanical warranty.
