产品名称 PAULA: Digital Fluorescence Cell Imager with Touchscreen, Leica Microsystems
产品货号 11530003
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
The world’s first Personal automated lab assistant PAULA help you to speed up your daily cell culture tasks and standardize the results to improve your downstream workflow. It is small enough to stay faithfully by your cells on any lab bench or even directly in an incubator. It has the capability to tell you when your cells are ready for the next step in the workflow. PAULA is fast, smart and always in contact with you if you want.

  • Receive notifications of cell state changes including transfection and confluency on your tablet or handheld device
  • Built-in barcode reader for Biotech and Pharma customers with large batch cultures
  • Standardized assay management improves the quality of downstream results and removes variance in cell-based assays

Contrasting methods: Phase contrast (adjustment free), Fluorescence. LEDs: Red LED for phase contrast to protect cells from bleaching. Two fluorescence LEDs (red, green) to monitor transfection. Control unit Tablet (Android, iPAD, Windows) and/or touch monitor. Barcode reader Integrated in housing. Objective 10x with digital zoom (3x). App Confluence check (more to come). Temperature tolerance PAULA can be placed inside a cell incubator (<37 °C, ~90% humidity). Multiplexing Combine up to three PAULA devices. Operation unit NUC PC.
