产品名称 Ecoline Series Microscopes, National Optical & Scientific SE
产品货号 D-ELM
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品品牌 vwr
These Ecoline Series Microscopes deliver excellent clarity with standard achromatic lenses and normal flatness of field.

  • Widefield eyepieces
  • Quad objective turret
  • 3.4 V 0.06 watt LED
  • 4.5 V DC auto switch power adapter

DIN standard 4×(0.10 N.A.), 10×(0.25 N.A.), 40×R(0.65 N.A.) and 100×R oil immersion (1.25 N.A.) color-coded objectives.

Focusing: Coaxial coarse and fine focusing controls, coarse has tension adjustment, fine is graduated.

Low profile, ball-bearing mounted mechanical specimen holder with low-position coaxial controls.

Frame: Rugged cast aluminum, gray enamel finish; Base dimensions: 140×210 mm (51/2×81/4)"; Height: 350 mm (133/4)".

Packaging: Molded styrofoam container with vinyl dustcover.
