产品名称 Mumps IgG ELISA Kit from BIOVISION, INC.
产品货号 E4669-100
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品规格 96 assays
Product NameMumps IgG ELISA Kit
DescriptionInfection with Mumps virus causes fever, headache, and swelling and tenderness of the salivary glands. Most adults born before 1957 have been infected naturally and are probably immune. Mumps can occur in unimmunized children, or adolescents and young adults who graduated from school prior to the law requiring mumps immunization. About 1/3 of people have no symptoms. The first symptoms usually appear 16 to 18 days after exposure. It begins with fever and pain upon opening the mouth or eating. Possible complications include meningitis (swelling of the covering of the brain and spinal cord), encephalitis (swelling of the brain), deafness, and in adult males, swelling of the testicles. The virus may cause a miscarriage if a woman becomes infec
Size96 assays
ApplicationsThis ELISA kit is used for quantitative measurement of Mumps IgG in serum and plasma.
Other Namesn/a
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #E4669-100
Order / More InfoMumps IgG ELISA Kit from BIOVISION, INC.
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