Providing cancer researchers with Single-cell Multi-omics and Single-cell Genomics solution
Why Single Cell for DNA and Protein?
Cancer is a complex disease with a mix of cells with varied states, and understanding of the disease state at the cellular level is required for better therapies. A single-cell multi-omics approach is the only way to achieve full resolution, revealing the complex interplay between genotype and phenotype. Perform true multi-omics with simultaneous detection of SNVs, CNVs, and protein at the single-cell level.
Integrate seamlessly into your existing workflow with sample prep and analysis solutions using Our single-cell sequencing service platform Reveal the full complexity of cellular diversity, cell by cell
Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression provides single cell transcriptome 3' gene expression and multiomic capabilities to profile tens of thousands of cells. Explore cellular heterogeneity, novel targets, and biomarkers with combined gene expression, surface protein expression, or CRISPR edits in each cell.
Single-cell multi-omics and Single-cell Genomics Devices