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  • 承接细细胞力学和3D生物打印实验服务

    · 细胞牵张拉伸应力加载刺激培养

    · 细胞组织压力加载刺激培养

    · 三维水凝胶细胞组织牵张拉伸应力加载刺激培养服务

    · 细胞牵流体剪切应力加载刺激培养服务

    · 三维组织细胞灌流培养服务

    · 单细胞纳米压痕杨氏模量测试分析服务

    · 组织凝胶纳米压痕杨氏模量测试分析服务

    · CCII细胞损伤服务

    · Microduits微柱阵列细胞应力分布测试服务

    · 三维血管、软骨、骨组织、心脏瓣膜、皮肤应力加载培养服务

    · 单细胞应力加载、形变测量与力特性分析系统

    · regenhu细胞友好型3D生物打印服务

    · 静水压力刺激细胞组织培养

    · regenhu细胞友好型3D生物打印服务。


    · 承接细细胞力学和3D生物打印实验服务


    · 承接细细胞力学和3D生物打印实验服务

  • 2018年4月18-20日(北京●手都医科大学)弟五届生物力学学术研讨会







  • 纤维丝张力和扭力测



  • 1、应力刺激培养部分



    加拿大 多功能组织材料生物力学特性、电位分布测试分析表征系统及文献目录,大家参考,如需要详细资料,请致电:010-67529703















    4.2、力分辨率 达0.025mN

    5、 行程范围广:50-250mm


    7 、高变分辨率成像跟踪分析



    10、产品成熟,文献量达 上千篇





    细胞被均匀地限制/压缩在两个亚微米分辨率的两个平行表面之间。不同的限制高度(例如1um – 300um),允许长期细胞培养和细胞增殖,同时保持对封闭的控制



    Cell migration 2.5D, migration and interaction of non-adhesive cells, cell squeezing, imaging of flat cells (organelles aligned in 2D), super-resolution video-microscopy (organelles move less), contractility assay, etc
    Confinement illustration
    HeLa cells: not confined, 5 ?m, 3 ?m.
    Explore examples of applications

    > Cancer invasiveness assay: Quantification of migration behaviors and migration transitions
    > Cancer aggressiveness assay: Quantification of contractility of somatic or cancer cells
    > Endocytosis assay: Improved observation of events taking place at the membrane
    > Exocytosis assay: Improved observation of events taking place at the apical membrane
    > Frustrated phagocytosis: Characterization of the mechanism
    > Immune system in a well: 2D migration and interaction of non-adherent immune cells
    > Immune cells interaction: 2D interaction of non-adherent immune cells
    > Mitotic assembly assay: Quantification of mitotic spindle disorders
    > Quantitative cell migration assay: Fast and fine analysis of cell migration properties

    Confinement and Low Adhesion Induce Fast Amoeboid Migration of Slow Mesenchymal Cells
    Y.-J. Liu, M. Piel, Cell, et al., 2015 160(4), 659-672
    Actin flows induce a universal coupling between cell speed and cell persistence
    P. Maiuri, R. Voituriez, et al., Cell, 2015 161(2), 374–386
    Geometric friction directs cell migration
    M. Le Berre, M. Piel, et al., Physical Review Letter 2013 111, 198101
    Mitotic rounding alters cell geometry to ensure efficient spindle assembly
    O. M. Lancaster, B. Baum, et al., Developmental Cell, 2013 25(3), 270-283
    Fine Control of Nuclear Confinement Identifies a Threshold Deformation leading to Lamina Rupture and Induction of Specific Genes
    M. Le Berre, J. Aubertin, M. Piel, Integrative Biology, 2012 4 (11), 1406-1414
    Exploring the Function of Cell Shape and Size during Mitosis
    C. Cadart, H. K. Matthews, et al., Developmental Cell, 2014 29(2), 159-169
    Methods for Two-Dimensional Cell Confinement
    M. Le Berre, M. Piel, et al., 2014, Micropatterning in Cell Biology Part C, Methods in cell biology, 121, 213-29









    ●每张阵列尺寸为3.2 x 3.2 mm,含10 x 18个观测点,每个观测点有170个按六边形排列的微柱

    ●微柱直径5 μm,高15 μm,中心间距为12 μm

    ●微柱弹力范围1-3 nN(有其他需求可定制)











    将硅胶微柱阵列刻在盖玻片上(图1 A),并包被蛋白,然后置于培养皿中(图1 B)。微柱上需要包被蛋白。标准的包被蛋白有纤连蛋白或I型胶原。若需其他包被蛋白,需提前告知。每张微柱阵列可以分析120-150个细胞,得到的数据足以进行统计学分析。每种实验条件可进行2-3次实验,这样得到的结果会更加稳定。微柱阵列本身并未进行包被,在使用前需要自行包被合适的蛋白(用户自选,可购常用的包被蛋白)。







    3)、细胞牵引力、内源力(cell active force)






    该系统是一套基于微流控流体压力梯度的、在倒置显微镜的扩展起来的、集成流式细胞仪特性、荧光检测模块、温控模 块、高速成像和数据采集分析软件的高通量单细胞实时形变测量和单细胞力学性质分析系统。
    细胞被泵送通过微流控芯片。 每个细胞都被实时拍摄、分析和成像存储。 此外,非破坏性的力量应用于细胞,提供一种方便,稳健和高通量的技术进行生物标志物的检测,可用于基础科学和临床研究。

    探索细胞的物理特性作为生物标志物,可以将非破坏性的力量应用于细胞或珠子,并观察它们的变形。 这允许研究对物理压力的te定机械响应。





    每个细胞被同时拍照、分析和储存。 这允许通过它们的光学特性来找到小亚群或区分细胞。 另外可以研究像表面拓扑或细胞对光的衰减的形态特性。


    该高速流式细胞形变机械力学测量系统是一种以细胞计数器的速度检测单细胞形态和流变性质的技术! 细胞被泵送通过微流控芯片。 每个细胞都被实时拍摄、分析和成像存储。 此外,非破坏性的力量应用于细胞,提供一种方便,稳健和高通量的技术进行生物标志物的检测,可用于基础科学和临床研究。





    细胞通过微流通道时,提取细胞变形、亮度和大小等参数,同时。 这允许实时地研究细胞属性。


    荧光模块使得该系统不再只是附加了一个额外的细胞力学检测通道的流式细胞仪。它成为了生命科学实验室的得力工具 - 提供了更多视角来解决科学问题。在生物学研究中通常使用荧光流式细胞仪来鉴定和定量细胞和细胞过程。使该系统集荧光流式细胞仪和实时变形的you点于一身,形成了实时荧光形变细胞仪。光片激发设计可实现三通道1D荧光成像。除了ALL实时变形参数外,系统还会分析荧光信号实时得到峰图,速度可达每秒1000个细胞。也可在实验后处理保存的原始荧光数据,以针对te定的问题和需 求修改处理方法。
    荧光模块可检测和鉴定同一样品中的三种不同荧光。利用标记的表面荧光蛋白可同时实现细胞鉴定和力学性质及形态性质测量。 下图为 G-CSF动员的外周血样品细胞群体。 标记后的细胞表面markers CD3-FITC (T-cells), CD34-PE (造血干细胞)和CD14-APC(单核细胞)荧光强度检测 揭示了各细胞类型所具有的不同力学性质。 
    加热模块 - 温度控制

    加热模块实现了生理温度下的测量。加热模块带有一个300 W的加热器和几个静默通风机来有效混合热空气。靠近样品处有一个传感器和一个控制单元,用以精确地将温度控制在所需值。系统的空气循环系统非常高效,当进行开放操作(如更换样品)后可以迅速恢复温度。 


    以前研究,通常使用跨膜蛋白CD34来鉴定原代人外周造血干细胞(HSCs)。下图比较了从骨髓得到的CD34+ 细胞和粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)动员的外周血CD34+细胞,结果发现外周血HSCs比骨髓HSCs更硬。 

  •         世联博研专注生物力学和生物打印科研服务,10年经验支持。提供3D生物打印机销售、租赁和3D生物打印科研实验委托服务。世联博研作为生物打印合作伙伴,为您提供解决方案——我们拥有专门的生物3D打印服务中心,配备多台球的生物3D打印机,设备来自瑞士regenHU,美国ALLEVI。我们拥有一支由博士和硕士组成专业的技术团队,公司在北京、广州、上海、成都、合肥、西安、苏州、哈尔滨、设立3D打印展示中心,为国广大客户提供现场观摩和打印服务。我们专注您的业务,将您的想法带入现实,我们帮您提供适合您行业的3D打印解决方案。
    regenhu 3d生物打印机应用文献 ,其应用文献达数千篇,以整理如下供应大家参考,如需要详细资料,请致电:010-67529703
    Author Title Year Journal/Proceedings Reftype DOI/URL
    Daskalakis, E., Aslan, E., Liu, F., Cooper, G., Weightman, A., Koç, B., Blunn, G. and Bartolo, P.J. Composite Scaffolds for Large Bone Defects

    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

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    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

    2020 3D and 4D Printing of Polymer Nanocomposite Materials, pp. 325 - 366  incollection DOIURL 
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    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

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    2019 Regen Med Front.
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    Zhuang, P., Ng, W.L., An, J., Chua, C.K. and Tan, L.P. Layer-by-layer ultraviolet assisted extrusion-based (UAE) bioprinting of hydrogel constructs with high aspect ratio for soft tissue engineering applications

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    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

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    Vol. 5(5), pp. 2482-2490 
    article DOI  
    Mehrotra, S., Moses, J.C., Bandyopadhyay, A. and Mandal, B.B. 3D Printing/Bioprinting Based Tailoring of in Vitro Tissue Models: Recent Advances and Challenges

    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

    2019 ACS Appl. Bio Mater.
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    2019 GSI-FAIR SCIENTIFIC REPORT 2017School: University of Applied Sciences, BioMEMS Lab, Aschaffenburg, Germany  techreport URL 
    Marques, C.F., Diogo, G.S., Pina, S., Oliveira, J.M., Silva, T.H. and Reis, R.L. Collagen-based bioinks for hard tissue engineering applications: a comprehensive review

    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

    2019 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine
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    Zhou, M., Lee, B.H., Tan, Y.J. and Tan, L.P. Microbial transglutaminase induced controlled crosslinking of gelatin methacryloyl to tailor rheological properties for 3D printing

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    2019 Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
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    Jiang, T., Munguía López, J., Flores-Torres, S., Kort-Mascort, J. and Kinsella, J. Extrusion bioprinting of soft materials: An emerging technique for biological model fabrication


    2019 Applied Physics Reviews
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    Filardo, G., Petretta, M., Cavallo, C., Roseti, L., Durante, S., Albisinni, U. and Grigolo, B. Patient-specific meniscus prototype based on 3D bioprinting of human cell-laden scaffold

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    Athanasiadis, M., Pak, A., Afanasenkau, D. and Minev, I.R. Direct Writing of Elastic Fibers with Optical, Electrical, and Microfluidic Functionality

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    2019 ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.  article DOI  
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    2019 Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol  article DOI  
    Xu, Y., Peng, J., Richards, G., Lu, S. and Eglin, D. Optimization of electrospray fabrication of stem cell–embedded alginate–gelatin microspheres and their assembly in 3D-printed poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering

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    Wang, W., Junior, J.R.P., Nalesso, P.R.L., Musson, D., Cornish, J., Mendonça, F., Caetano, G.F. and Bártolo, P. Engineered 3D printed poly(ɛ-caprolactone)/graphene scaffolds for bone tissue engineering

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    2019 Materials Science and Engineering: C
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    Wang, W., Huang, B., Byun, J.J. and Bártolo, P. Assessment of PCL/carbon material scaffolds for bone regeneration

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    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

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    article DOI  
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    2019 RSC Adv.
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    article DOI  
    Romanazzo, S., Nemec, S. and Roohani, I. iPSC Bioprinting: Where are We at?

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    2019 Materials
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    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

    2019 Advanced Materials
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    article DOI  
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    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

    2019 Advanced Materials Technologies
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    article DOI  
    Marchiori, G., Berni, M., Boi, M., Petretta, M., Grigolo, B., Bellucci, D., Cannillo, V., Garavelli, C. and Bianchi, M. Design of a novel procedure for the optimization of the mechanical performances of 3D printed scaffolds for bone tissue engineering combining CAD, Taguchi method and FEA

    [Abstract] [BibTeX]

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    2015 CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry
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    Kesti, M., Müller, M., Becher, J., Schnabelrauch, M., D’Este, M., Eglin, D. and Zenobi-Wong, M. A versatile bioink for three-dimensional printing of cellular scaffolds based on thermally and photo-triggered tandem gelation

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