品牌:BMM ,flexercell
世联博研(北京)科技有限公司(Bio Excellence International Tech Co.,Ltd)简称世联博研,专注生物力学和3D生物打印国际前沿科研设备的销售、租赁及科研技术服务,产品线涵盖细胞分子生物力学、组织修复生物力学、血管力学生物学、骨与关节生物力学、口腔力学生物学、眼耳鼻咽喉生物力学、康复工程生物力学、生物材料力学与仿生学、人体运动生物力学等生物力学研究以及3D生物打印前沿领域科研利器。
Bioexcellence offers a full-service approach to mechanical testing of biomaterials, tissues and biomedical products. In addition to performing highly controlled tests using our state-of-the-art technology, our expert team adheres to effective standard operating procedures, develops reliable testing protocols and delivers accurate data analysis reports in compliance with the GLPs. We collaborate with our clients and third-party CRO’s to supply personalized testing solutions within a short time frame to suit our customers objectives
We offer a wide variety of mechanical tests for biomaterials, biological tissues and biomedical products. You might think your test idea is complex and hard to perform - we encourage you to share your idea with our study director. Every study is unique and we customize our services to match your specific needs - we adapt and perform different tests, different samples and different analysis for every client and every study. We, sometimes design new SOPs and protocols along with our clients, design and develop new accessories to perform different test types than what we usually do, perform different analysis than what we're used to - we're flexible! Please visit our Case Studies section to see a few examples of studies conducted by our team.
We recognize our responsibility as a provider of medical devices, mechanical testers and laboratory testing services to the most stringent quality standards. To this end, we have developed and documented a strong Quality Management System which provides evidence of strict quality controls implemented to ensure product and service quality. It complies with ISO 13485:2016 and EN ISO 13485:2016 (Medical Devices), with the FDA 21 CFR Part 820, with the European MDD 93/42/EEC and with the Canadian Medical Device Regulations 1998-783.