MechanomedicinePublicationsHighlightsDeformability CytometryFLECSMost RecentClick on Title to See PaperPLoS ONE (2021)Adeyiga O, Murray C, Mu?oz HE, Escobar A, Di Carlo DJournal of Neuroscience Methods (2020)Cotero V, Miwa M, Graf J, Ahse J, Loghin E, Di Carlo D, Puleo CNature Methods (2020)Mu?oz HE, Urbanska M, Bagnall JS, Otto O, Manalis SR, Di Carlo D, Guck J.Tay A, McCausland H, Komeili A, Di Carlo DAdvanced Functional Materials (2019)Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2018)Tay A, Pfeiffer D, Rowe K, Tannabaum A, Popp F, Strangeway R, Schuler D, and Di Carlo DAdvanced Functional Materials (2017)Tay A, Murray C, and Di Carlo DLab on a Chip (2017)Kunze A, Murray C, Godzich C, Lin J, Owsley K, Tay A, and Di Carlo DLin J, Kim D, Tse HT, Tseng P, Peng L, Dhar M, Karumbayaram K, and Di Carlo DMicrosystems and Nanoengineering (2017)Nature Biomedical Engineering (2017)Pushkarsky I, Tseng P, Black D, France B, Warfe L, Koziol-White C, Jester W, Trinh R, Lin J, Sumpia P, Morrison S, Panettieri R, Damoiseaux R, and Di Carlo DNano Letters (2017)Tay A and Di Carlo DJournal of Current Medical Chemistry (2016)Tay A and Di Carlo DTay A, Kunze A, Jun D, Hoek E, and Di Carlo D Small (2016)Lab on a Chip (2016)Tay A, Schweizer FE, and Di Carlo D Tay A, Kunze A, Murray C, and Di Carlo DACS Nano (2016)Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (2015)Darling EM and Di Carlo DACS Nano (2015)Kunze A, Tseng P, Godzich C, Murray C, Caputo A, Schweizer FE, and Di Carlo DBiomedical Microdevices (2014)Kittur H, Weaver W, and Di Calro DTseng P and Di Carlo DAdvanced Materials (2013)Science Translational Medicine (2013)Tse HTK, Gossett DR, Moon YS, Masaeli M, Sohsman M, Ying Y, Mislick K, Adams RP, Rao J, and Di Carlo DDudani JS, Gossett DR, Tse HTK, and Di Carlo DLab on a Chip (2013)Nature Methods (2012)Tseng P, Judy JW, and Di Carlo DTse HTK, Weaver WM, and Di Carlo DPLoS ONE (2012)PNAS (2012)Gossett DR, Tse HTK, Lee SA, Ying Y, Lindgren AG, Yang OO, Rao J, Clark AT, and Di Carlo DJournal of Laboratory Automation (2012)Di Carlo DJournal of Laboratory Automation (2011)Tse HTK, Meng P, Gossett DR, Irtuk A, Kastur R, and Di Carlo DLab on a Chip (2011)Weaver WM, Dharmaraja S, Milisavljevic V, and Di Carlo DCytometry Part A (2005)Ionescu-Zanetti C, Wang L, Di Carlo D, Hung P, Di Blas A, Hughey R, and Lee LDi Carlo D, Jeong K, and Lee LLab on a Chip (2003)