TCS Ⅱ 定量疼痛阈值测试仪
 | √ 准确高效的疼痛研究
√ 弟1个实现准确和可复制的接触冷诱发电位的刺激器
√ 定量感官测试(阈值不到1分钟)
√ 300°C/sec时的冷热刺激
√ MRI兼容 |
? 温度范围:0°C至60°C(0.1°C步长) ? 温度斜坡:0.1°C/sec至樶高300°C/sec ? jue1对精度:0.1°C ? 相对精度:0.1°C ? 五个du立的刺激区(每个可设置不同的温度) ? 自动校准 ? 自动调节至中性皮肤温度 ? 电池供电 ? 超便携(4kg) ? 免维护 |  |

| 易于编程的协议环境 | 可由外部计算机驱动 | 可向外部设备(脑电图、心电图、MRI)提供触发器 |

 |  |  |  | T01 适用于小面积刺激 | T03 适用于冷/热诱发电位 | T03 适用于冷/热诱发电位和热感觉 | T08 适用于QST和冷/热诱发电位 |
 |  |  | T09 适用于长时间刺激和MRI研究 | T10 适用于小范围的刺激,如口内刺激 | T11 适用于高灵敏度的QST、长时间刺激和MRI研究 |
接触热和冷诱发电位 De Keyser R., van den Broeke E., Courtin A., Dufour A., Mouraux A. (2018). Event-related brain potentials elicited by high-speed cooling of the skin: A robust and non-painful method to assess the spinothalamic system in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology. 129(5), 1011-1019.
Lenoir C., Algoet M. & Mouraux A. (2018). Deep continuous theta burst stimulation of the opercula-insular cortex selectively affects Adelta fibre heat pain. The Journal of Physiology. 596(19), 4767-4787.
Mulders D., de Bodt C., Lejeune N., Courtin A., Liberati G., Verleysen M., Mouraux A. (2020). Dynamics of perception and EEG signals triggered by tonic warm and cool stimulation. Plos One, 15(4).
Leone C., Di Lionardo A., Diotallevi G., Mollico C, Di Pietro G., Di Stephano G., La Cesa S., Cruccu G., Truini A. (2020). Conduction velocity of the cold spinal pathway in healthy humans. European Journal of Pain. Online ahead of print doi: 10.1002/ejp.1640.
Liberati G., Mulders D., Algoed M., van den Broeke E., Ferrao Santos S., Géraldo Ribeiro Vaz J., Raftopoulos C., Mouraux A. (2020). Insular response to transient painful and non-painful thermal and mechanical spinothalamic stimuli recorded using intracerebral EEG. Scientific Reports. 10:22319, 1-14.
Courtin A. & Mouraux A. (2021). Combining Topical Agonists With the Recording of Event-Related Brain Potentials to Probe the Functional Involvement of TRPM8, TRPA1 and TRPV1 in Heat and Cold Transduction in the Human Skin. The Journal of Pain. Epub, 1-18.
De Schoenmacker I., Archibald J., Kramer J.L.K. & Hubli M. (2022). Improved acquison of contact heat evoked potentials with increased heating ramp. Scientific Reports, 12, 925.
Fabig S.C, Kersebaum D., Lassen J., Sendel Manon, Jendral S., Muntan A., Baron R. & Hüllemann P. (2021). A modality-specific somatosensory evoked potential test protocol for clinical evaluation: A feasibility study. Clinical Neurophysiology. 132, 3104-3115.
Lejeune N., Petrosova E., Frahm K.S, Mouraux A. (2022). High-speed heating of the skin using a contact thermode elicits brain responses comparable to CO2 laser-evoked potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology. 146, 1-9.
Scheuren P.S., Nauer N., Rosner J., Curt A., Hubli M. (2022) Cold evoked potentials elicited by rapid cooling of the skin in young and elderly healthy individuals. Science Report, 12:4137.
 | Thanks to very brief stimulations (50 ms), an adaptative staircase method is now possible. Experiments using this method show that the cold threshold can be as small as 0.2°C. |
Lithfous S., Després O, Pebayle T. & Dufour A. (2019). Modification of descending analgesia in aging: crcal role of the prefrontal cortex.Clinical Journal of Pain. 35(1), 23-30.
Després O, Lithfous S, Pebayle T. Casadio C. & Dufour A. (2019). Effects of thermosensory aging well demonstrated by cold stimulation with high temporal resolution.Muscle Nerve. 60(2)., 141-146.
Lithfous S., Després O., Pebayle T., Casadio C. & Dufour A. (2020). Accurate determination of the cold detection threshold with high-speed cooling of the skin. Pain Medicine. online ahead of print.
皮肤热扩散建模 Dufour A., Després O, Pebayle T. & Lithfous S. (2020). Thermal sensvity in humans at the depth of thermal receptor endings beneath the skin: validation of a heat transfer model of the skin using high-temporal resolution stimuli. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 120, 1509-1518.
Gieré C., Melchior M., Dufour A., Poisbeau P. (2021). Spinal integration of hot and cold nociceptive stimuli by wide dynamic range neurons in anesthetized adult rats. Pain Reports. Epub.
临床应用 面部神经性疼痛

Vertex complex (N2-P2 recorded at Cz-A1) of cold evoked potentials (CEP, blue traces) and laser evoked potentials (LEP, red traces) after stimulation of the healthy and the affected side. Each trace represents the average of 20-30 trials. Dotted lines indicate the stimulus onset. Whereas the laser stimulation of the affected side yielded dampened, though still present, scalp potentials, cold stimulation failed to evoke reproducible scalp potentials.
Leone C., Dufour A., Di Stefano G., Fasolino A., Di Lionardo A., La Cesa S., Galosi E., Valeriani M.,Nolano M., Cruccu G. Truini A. (2019). Cooling the skin for assessing small-fibre function. Pain. 160(9), 1967-1975