产品名称:xonamicrofluidics神经轴突培养板和芯片及其配件(XONACHIPS,SILICONE DEVICES,ChipTray?)系列现货促销

XonaChips 经过预组装预粘合,比我们原来的硅胶器件更易于使用。XonaChips 是光学透明的是荧光实时成像的理想选择。XonaChips 可改善原代神经元的长期培养,特别适用于培养人类干细胞衍生的神经元,提供更好的细胞粘附和长期生长。

两 (2) 室 XonaChips 具有 150、450 或 900 μm 微槽屏障(XC150XC450XC900)。每盒 (5) 个 XC 系列 XonaChips 包括一管 2 ml XC 预涂层?。

更新的 4 单元 XonaChip 现在提供 150 μm 微槽屏障 (XC-SF150-X4)。这些 “X4” 芯片每单位使用的神经元较少,因此在使用固定数量的神经元时会增加样本量。每个芯片包括一管 1 ml XC 预涂层?。

Xona 还销售 3 室 XonaChips XC-T 系列,配备 (2) 个 500um 微槽屏障和一个 500um 中央隔室 (XC-T500)。每盒 (5) 个 XC-T 系列 XonaChips 包括两 (2) 管 2 ml XC 预涂层?。

所有 XonaChips 的每个微槽横截面约为 7 μm x 7 μm。主通道高度约为 80um。?

XC Pre-Coat? 和 XonaPDL? 针对与 XonaChips 配合使用进行了优化。?





Xona offers multiple silicone (PDMS) device configurations. Our newest configuration, the Small Footprint  (SF) device, uses a third the number of neurons per culture unit and have two culture units per “chip”. SNDs are the original 2-compartment devices. RDs (round devices) can be mounted onto select glass bottom dishes making them useful for live cell imaging. TCNDs have 3 compartments and provide numerous experimental possibilities. Xona also sells open compartment configurations, including our single open compartment device (SOC450) and the Innsbruck device which has a single enclosed channel and two outer open compartments.

All our silicone (i.e., PDMS) devices require end user assembly. Xona sells the PDMS part only. For preassembled and easier-to-use options, try our XonaChips?.

Xona 提供多种硅胶 (PDMS) 器件配置。我们的新配置,即小尺寸 (SF) 设备,每个培养单位使用的神经元数量只有三分之一,每个“芯片”有两个培养单位。SND 是初的 2 隔间设备。RD(圆形装置)可以安装在选定的玻璃底培养皿上,使其可用于活细胞成像。 TCND 有 3 个隔室,提供了许多实验可能性。Xona 还销售开放式隔室配置,包括我们的单开放式隔室设备 (SOC450) 和具有单个封闭通道和两个外部开放式隔室的因斯布鲁克设备。

我们所有的硅胶(即 PDMS)器件都需要终用户组装。Xona 仅销售 PDMS 零件。对于预组装且易于使用的选项,请尝试使用我们的 XonaChips。?



Evaporation of media during long-term culturing of neurons can have a large effect on cell health. This is especially true in microfluidic devices and chips which have smaller wells. To overcome these issues, Xona has developed a ChipTray? to be used with XonaChips?, our silicone devices, and other microfluidic devices. In addition to reducing evaporation, the ChipTray? provides an optimized enclosure for phase contrast imaging using air objectives.

The footprint of the tray is compatible with standard ANSI microplate holders. There are two water troughs on either end of the tray and two slots for XonaChips? (XC150, XC450, XC900, XC-T-500). Silicone devices mounted on glass or any other slide based microfluidic devices that you want to use, are also compatible with these trays. Within each slot there is a cut-out to improve image quality using inverted microscopes. The ChipTrays are tissue culture ready.

神经元长期培养过程中培养基的蒸发会对细胞健康产生很大影响。在具有较小孔的微流体设备和芯片中尤其如此。为了克服这些问题,Xona 开发了一种 ChipTray?,可与 XonaChips、我们的硅胶器件和其他微流体器件一起使用。除了减少蒸发外,ChipTray? 还为使用空气物镜的相差成像提供了优化的外壳。?

托盘的占地面积与标准 ANSI 微孔板支架兼容。托盘两端有两个水槽和两个 XonaChips 插槽(XC150、XC450、XC900、XC-T-500)。安装在玻璃上或您想要使用的任何其他基于载玻片的微流体设备上的硅胶设备也与这些托盘兼容。每个插槽内都有一个切口,以提高使用倒置显微镜的图像质量。ChipTray 可直接用于组织培养。?
