单层细胞压缩力加载培养与实时观察分析系统型号:cell confiner 联系人:李先生 联系电话:18618101725 品牌:法国cell confinement

不同的限制高度(例如1um – 300um)

Cell migration 2.5D, migration and interaction of non-adhesive cells, cell squeezing, imaging of flat cells (organelles aligned in 2D), super-resolution video-microscopy (organelles move less), contractility assay, etc
Confinement illustration
HeLa cells: not confined, 5 ?m, 3 ?m.
Explore examples of applications
> Cancer invasiveness assay: Quantification of migration behaviors and migration transitions
> Cancer aggressiveness assay: Quantification of contractility of somatic or cancer cells
> Endocytosis assay: Improved observation of events taking place at the membrane
> Exocytosis assay: Improved observation of events taking place at the apical membrane
> Frustrated phagocytosis: Characterization of the mechanism
> Immune system in a well: 2D migration and interaction of non-adherent immune cells
> Immune cells interaction: 2D interaction of non-adherent immune cells
> Mitotic assembly assay: Quantification of mitotic spindle disorders
> Quantitative cell migration assay: Fast and fine analysis of cell migration properties
Confinement and Low Adhesion Induce Fast Amoeboid Migration of Slow Mesenchymal Cells
Y.-J. Liu, M. Piel, Cell, et al., 2015 160(4), 659-672
Actin flows induce a universal coupling between cell speed and cell persistence
P. Maiuri, R. Voituriez, et al., Cell, 2015 161(2), 374–386
Geometric friction directs cell migration
M. Le Berre, M. Piel, et al., Physical Review Letter 2013 111, 198101
Mitotic rounding alters cell geometry to ensure efficient spindle assembly
O. M. Lancaster, B. Baum, et al., Developmental Cell, 2013 25(3), 270-283
Fine Control of Nuclear Confinement Identifies a Threshold Deformation leading to Lamina Rupture and Induction of Specific Genes
M. Le Berre, J. Aubertin, M. Piel, Integrative Biology, 2012 4 (11), 1406-1414
Exploring the Function of Cell Shape and Size during Mitosis
C. Cadart, H. K. Matthews, et al., Developmental Cell, 2014 29(2), 159-169
Methods for Two-Dimensional Cell Confinement
M. Le Berre, M. Piel, et al., 2014, Micropatterning in Cell Biology Part C, Methods in cell biology, 121, 213-29